Was tun, wenn man als letzter Passagier alleine in Las Vergas am Airport übernachten muss, weil man nicht mehr weiter gekommen ist? Man nehme sein iPhone, besorge sich eine Rolle Packband und los (Gänsehaut-Faktor!):
All by myself von Richard Dunn on Vimeo.
I had a person behind a ticket counter give me a roll of luggage tape before she left. I then used a wheel chair that had a tall pole on the back of it and taped my iPhone to that. Then I would put it on the moving walkway for a dolly shot. I also used the extended handle on my computer bag and taped the iPhone to my handle. I would tuck different stuff under the bag to get the right angle. For the escalator shot I had to sprint up the steps after I got my shot so the computer bag didn’t hit the top and fall back down. Quite fun!